Horizontal Mixer

A mixer blender

The ABC Hansen horizontal paddle blenders are suitable for the blending of nearly all dry materials in total volume capacities ranging from 500 liter to 3,000 liters and effective blending capacities of 250 liters (in terms of feed mass around 350kg to 1,000kg.) For the 500 liter blender an in-line gear or angled gearbox. The 1,500 liter and the 3,000 liter will be driven by a sprocket and chain to an in line reducer. The 6,000 liter mixer will employ 2x 18.5kw to 22kw in-line gearboxes, depending on the product being mixed and duty cycle. Horizontal and paddle blenders are especially effective when mixing high roughage content mixes. The mixer utilises paddles that are able to being adjusted for angle as well as length to ensure close proximity to the sidewalls and bottom and allowing different angles on the paddles to ensure fast and efficient mixing for different products. A molasse pump and spray discharge into the blender is optional as are load cells and the proprietary ABC Hansen batching and weighing controller, or simply a display allowing manual batching. The larger mixers (1,500lt and 3,000lt) has stairs and a standing platform with rail on the one end allowing easy inspection, safe loading if manually loaded. The 1,500lt , 3,000lt and 6000 lt mixers also are optionally fitted with discharge augers and an agitation system inside the discharge allowing for very fast discharge not bridging especially when high fibre feeds are mixed.

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